February Sunday Lunch II

February Sunday Lunch II

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The only missing component from the Sunday lunch was a Yorkshire Pud.

Or four.

Here's how it went for a four-hole baking tray.

100g Plain Flour

2 Eggs

100ml Whole Milk

1/2 tsp Salt

2 tsp Oil

Grating of Fresh Horseradish (cheeky & optional)

Oven 220C/200C Fan/Gas 7

Mix the flour & salt in a bowl before making a well in the centre & adding the eggs

Whisk gently before pouring in a little of the milk, you're after a smooth mixture

Gradually add the remaining milk & keep whisking

In goes your horseradish if desired

Cover the bowl & let the batter rest for an hour or two

Share the oil evenly between each Yorkie tray receptacle & transfer to the oven for 5 minutes, the oil needs to be piping hot

Carefully, REALLY carefully, take the tray from the oven and ladle the batter between the holes

Back to the oven to cook for 20-25 minutes

Wish they'd risen a little more but they were sharing the space with the Cauli & Leek Cheese dish which needed to be in a slightly less warm oven.

They were enjoyed & I had a couple left over for Monday.

Love a Sunday lunch which stretches into a new week.




February Sunday Lunch I

February Sunday Lunch I