Relishing Beetroot
Photo © Rob Jones
So … every now and then the local supermarket sells off their bulk deli ingredients at a knock down price … and when I mean bulk, I mean bulk. And when I mean knock-down, I really mean knock-down.
So there it was … in the discount section - a litre tub of beetroot salad for £1. Bargain. Into the basket and ran back home.
Then comes a problem - what on earth am I going to do will all this beetroot. The challenge - how to use up all the beetroot without simply eating it as it is for days and days on end.
OK so it was very tasty on its own. So that’s one meal.
Then came Beetroot Biryani - cook up some onions, add some ginger, garlic, cardamom, turmeric, garam masala. Add some pre-cooked rice, and vegetable stock. Cook till the stock is absorbed and/or disappears. Eat.
Next day…. Beetroot Relish. Equal amounts of Beetroot, Onions and Apples, Red Wine Vinegar and Brown Sugar. Add grated ginger, smashed cloves, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, smoked paprika, juice and zest of two oranges. Cook up an reduce. Leave to settle and then jar up.
OK so that’s three days worth … just need another three ideas.