Bomber Command
Photo © Rob Jones
Though it’s not in the same league as travelling all the way to Beijing to shop for Welsh Cakes in a branch of Marks and Spencers … (now closed) ...
It did seem a little silly to find myself buying Welsh Cheese in a garden centre in Cambridgeshire.
And what a Garden Centre it was. I would say it was more of a destination - as many motorway service stations have become … no longer one trick ponies, but cornucopias.
All the usualy garden stuff… plants, tools, gnomes. But also gifts, a Sainsbury’s foodstore, aquatic corner, a fine restaurant, and a Walter Smith fine food centre. Lots of very tempting - though expensive items.
Needless to say I was drawn to the cheese. Prominantly displayed, several cheeses from the Snowdonia Cheese Company, based in Rhyl in North Wales.
I opted for the Black Bomber - award winning Cheddar style cheese, which immediately ended up on some crackers with some relish when I got it home.
I did feel a little guilty though. Guilt maybe not the word. I was conflicted. Wanting to support cheeses from home, and yet eager to try out something local.
Curiously I was less conflicted about lingering around M&S in Beijing, with all the other expats, desperately clutching onto overly priced packets of anything that reminded them at home.
I think another trip to the Garden Centre is needed - purely for research purposes.