Beeting the Retreat
Photo © Rob Jones
These are trying times … and things are likely to get worse.
Whatever the reason for the economic fears at the moment, there are clear facts. Prices are rising substantially and people are making calculated decisions based on that.
I have two major supermarkets within 5 minutes walk from me … plus all the regulars within 10 to 15 minutes. So it’s easy to shop around, but also easy to see how people are changing their behaviour.
On a number of occasions, I’ve been up the road to my nearest supermarket in the evening to find just a handful of shoppers. And, those who have made the effort, are shunning certain aisles and ‘sharking’ the discounted items.
I do the same. I admit it. Purely because I have the flexibility. I don’t need to plan my meals, I can just go and see what’s worth it on that day, and cook it on the same day.
But, even here, I’ve noticed that the discounts have stopped. Cheap brands are flying off the shelves.
It’s probably the biggest (voluntary) change in bahaviour I have ever seen in my life.
Interesting also to see the difference in people’s baskets. This change isn’t encouraging people to make wiser choices. The Prosecco stays in the basket, along with the crisps and snacks. Fruit and vegetables are staying in the aisles. To be fair, this is where the biggest price rises have been. Fresh meat is a non-starter, whereas processed and ready meals get the green light.
Hardly a scientific survey.
And as for me? I’m shopping around, going for cheap and good ingredients and making simple meals. I think I am eating more heathily now than I have in years.
Beetroot heads the list … used in acient times as a medicine and apparently good for my blood pressure, I resisted ‘loving it’ for a long time, but I am past that threshold. Full of antioxidants and an anti-inflamatory, it is said to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Provides Vitamins A and K, Manganese, Copper and Potassium. Full of fibre. I find beetroot juice is also a pretty good psychological distraction from red wine which I only drink at weekends now (though on health grounds, not on cost), especially if you drink it in a wine glass.
It’ll be interesting to see how prices change … who knows, maybe beetroot will become the new caviar.
It’ll all about flexibility and being realistic.