The City Of Dreaming Spires - I

The City Of Dreaming Spires - I

The Bridge of Sighs in Oxford

This year's birthday has lasted three days & it's been wonderful.

I feel very blessed to have such kind friends & family.

To Oxford then for a break with my oldest friend & her son, my Godson.

A little bit of research of where to enjoy a pre-prandial before lunch. According to one website, this establishment in Jericho had a really good wine list:

The walk there from the railway station was more interesting than the wines on offer. Two glasses of an average Prosecco before moving on to our lunch venue which was a recommendation from an Oxford-based pal. The Godson is joining us later. We're headed here:

A perfect riverside setting for a June afternoon.

On the menu for two of us .. To share & to start ..

Fish Plate, Prawn Cocktail, Peppered Smoked Mackerel, Smoked Salmon Pâté, Rollmop Herrings, Pickled Cucumbers, Caper Berries & Warm Breads

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

The Main Event ..

28-day Dry Aged, British Grass-Fed Top Side of Beef, Creamed Horseradish

Lamb Shank (with specially requested horseradish by the BFF, she's a bit obsessed with it. Would have it in coffee if she could ..)

All the roasts are served with Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes, Cabbage, Heritage Carrots & Red Wine Gravy

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Beef & Lamb Joy & Both With Horseradish

Some birthday fizz to accompany, the Hundred Hills Preamble No2, 2017, Oxfordshire

To finish & to share ..

Gingerbread Pudding & Stem Ginger Caramel Sauce, Vanilla Ice Cream & Honeycomb

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Eton Mess

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Nothing disappointed on the menu.

A cab back to our temporary home for the night to await the Godson's arrival.

He was bringing cheese, paté & biscuits.

Our evening would be completed by watching an episode of Morse - Dead On Time.

The reason? We're all big fans & we had a special walking tour to attend the next day.


The City Of Dreaming Spires - II

The City Of Dreaming Spires - II

Papaya Salad

Papaya Salad