Easter In May

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Honestly, it did last me three nights.


Whenever there's a busy time ahead at work, I find myself planning ahead for meals.

And so it came to pass for Easter.

A Hawksmoor At Home treat box: https://shop.thehawksmoor.com/product/fillet-2-course-box/

These are about to come to an end but they were such a gift and a heaven-sent repast during tough pandemic days. Hawksmoor is an innovative enterprise for sure.

I enjoyed the beef fillets enormously & the chips, peppercorn sauce, garlic mushrooms & creamed spinach - glorious. The Negroni is still in the fridge.

As was, until a few days ago, was the pud, the sauce & the clotted cream.

I followed the instructions (included in your box of delights) & simmered it for 45 minutes before heating the toffee sauce & adding the cream.

It's supposed to be for two.

It lasted me three days.

Why so long?

I swooned with every bite, that’s why.


The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 21

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 21

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Solo Dining III