Mimolette - The Musical
Photo © Rob Jones
Cheesy Tuesday this week stars - Mimolette
AKA ‘Boule de Lille'.
It’s proper name apparently comes from the words Mi-mou meaning half-soft. The Boule bit from the ripening cellars in Lille where it was matured. Not, as I first thought because it looks a bit like Boules.
As you delve into its history, it begins to read like a French 17th century novel. It would be an admirable cheese as the subject of a West End musical - Les Comestibles.
Picture the scene …
It’s the year 1661. Louis the Sun King calls his trusty official Jean Baptise Colbert to his boudoir. To curry favour Colbert reveals the location of his predecessor’s missing millions, and as a reward, is made Prime Minister of all of France.
One of his first acts is to clamp down on the pesky Dutch cheesemakers, whose fare is threatening the livelihoods of good honest french fromageres. Starved of Edam and Gouda, the locals in French Flanders decide to make their own.
Enter - Mimolette - also known as Mi-Mou. Held in a dark damp cellar for weeks on end. Eventually hardened by her experience, she emerges into the Lille sunlight mature, yet worldly wise, telling the world of her travails: The endless days in captivity, brushed daily to remove the mites feasting on her skin. Some still to be seen in her pitted rough outer layer.
Oily and vivid orange, she brings about a revolution in French cheesemaking.
As she ages, reflecting on her sorry life, her skin turns from carrot to an orange-brown colour, becoming slightly nutty.
Now … I had Cameron Macintosh’s number here somewhere…
This could run and run.