Silk Handkerchiefs

Silk Handkerchiefs

Lucky girl, I got some tickets to see It's a Wonderful Life at London's Coliseum ..

Looks spectacular onstage. The ensemble pieces onstage, really enjoyable. However .. I didn't come away humming any tune and I think the first half could do with an edit.

Before I ventured to St Martin's Lane for the evening I took myself here for an early supper ..

I'd booked a counter seat & they placed me discreetly at the end of a seating area. Like a place which looks after a lone diner in a busy environment.

A Prosecco, Bel Star NV Veneto to begin &, with an eye on the clock, a swift move to order the following ..

Rosemary & sea salt focaccia

Silk handkerchiefs, walnut butter & confit egg yolk

My eating view was the kitchen. An amazing sight to watch as orders were being prepared at breakneck speed. 

Once my pasta delight arrived & the first soft, eggy, and crispy forkful was taken, I uttered the following to one of the chefs nearby: 

"This might be one of the best dishes that I have ever eaten .. it's outstanding .."

Came the reply: 

"Thank you so much, that's kind of you .."

If you're in London, please try Bancone (they have a place in Golden Square round the corner from Covent Garden, too). Tables are not easy to come by, so popular is this place but, counter seating can be easier. Food, service - impeccable. 

I will need to return.


Really soon.


It's Beginning To Look ..

It's Beginning To Look ..

The Beautiful South

The Beautiful South