The Beautiful South
Photo © A Garland
Confession time.
On a very few occasions, & I mean very few, I might have a slice of leftover pizza for breakfast.
This nearly came to pass in Poole. The work part of the weekend was completed & there was dirty pizza to relish at the temporary home.
A remaining slice went into the fridge for the night and my secret shame was shared with trusted friends as to its fate the next morning.
However .. in the light of day .. I realised that ..
We had a Sunday lunch booked at this wondrous place:
Photo © A Garland
Knowing that my tum gets quite full quite quickly, I decided to save space for the much anticipated roast meal to come.
After a walk in glorious sunshine along Southbourne Beach: plus a cheeky drink to celebrate England's cricketers becoming the world T20 champions we marched off towards our feeding station.
This restaurant is fantastic in every single way. I visited here for a late night supper a few years back and it's now added a cosy upstairs cocktail bar called The Library. The food here is exceptional, they pride themselves on sourcing as much local produce as they can. A tidy menu it is too, just enough choice to satisfy. Poppy looked after us, the new landlady fresh from working in Camden, North London. She's a magnificent tour de force who got us trying a new Riesling she'd ordered - we didn't take much convincing to order a bottle of what was a real zingy little beast.
Then the main event ..
Photo © A Garland
Photo © A Garland
Photo © A Garland
Photo © A Garland
Photo © A Garland
Oysters, trout, roast chicken (including pigs in blankets) & roast beef plus a Yorkshire Pud, veg & a cauliflower cheese to swoon to meant plates were quickly emptied.
No room for pud. Thank goodness the pizza had been discarded for breakfast.
Over the lunch table, talk of many things, as always. Christmas & New Year plans, complicated family set ups & why moments of happiness like the weekend we had spent together are so important.