Apple Panic
Photo © Rob Jones
I like to be organised, and I like to be polite …
And they don’t always go together.
If I know I am travelling or going to be busy, I like to empty the fridge of things I know will be past their best (my term for rotting) by the time I get back or finish my task.
I thought everything was under control… however …
“Here, take these windfalls, I’m sure you can do something with them.”
So, today’s been a big cooking day … little piles of ingredients litter the kitchen worktops so I don’t forget which recipes they go into.
Nut Roast to the right of me, Aubergines to the left of me … and right in the middle - Apple Chutney.
A conventional recipe I would suggest with a few tweeks to take into account missing ingredients or probable alternatives.
I had about a kilo of apples - peeled, cored and roughly chopped.
Four red onions - likewise roughly chopped.
Into a pan with 700ml of Cider Vinegar.
A couple of handfuls of fruit - I had sultanas and cranberries.
About 500g of a variety of sugars I had to hand - Dark and Light Muscovado, and some Demerara.
A dash of smoked paprika, a cup of Miso stock.
Boil and reduce, stirring occasionally till it’s ‘sludgey.’
At this stage you’re supposed to bottle it up and leave it for weeks …
But I had some with a Nut Roast I’d just made … and they set each other off very well indeed.
Now …
Just need to hide from anyone bearing any more foody gifts.