Too Mushroom for Error

Too Mushroom for Error

Photo © Rob Jones

The bottom line is ….

I couldn’t tell you the difference between a Shaggy Inkcap (Edible) from a Fool’s Funnel (Fatal).

But I wish I did.

Before Covid it was on my list to go on a foraging course, to understand mushrooms especially.

I was prompted by friends in Bohemia for whom it was common place to go into the woods like Little Red Riding Hood with a big basket and return a few hours later with an absolute feast of fungi.

Then again a few weeks ago, at the end of a dog walk through Newborough Forest on Anglesey, I spotted a couple emerging from a bush with a cornucopia of mushrooms. They were from one of the Baltic states, I forget which one. Latvia I think.

And also … a chap has set up a mushroom stall in Bangor Friday Market. Great big bricks of Mycelia which are absolutely fascinating.

And what’s more … they seem to be sprouting up wherever I look. Maybe it’s the balmy temperatures we’ve been having lately.

On a quick run through mid-Wales … stumbled across some Magic Mushrooms, and also the above (see pic) which apparently is rather fatal.

This is all telling me something.

Definitely need to understand mushrooms more.


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