Breadcrumb Flapjacks

Breadcrumb Flapjacks

Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

Cut me open and you’ll find the words ‘Waste Not Want Not’ running through my marrow like the writing in a stick of Blackpool Rock.

After making the Summer Pudding the other day, I was left with a pile of crusts and offcuts of white sliced bread. I stared and stared and thought … breadcrumbs yes, but … there must be something more creative than that to do with them. And so there was.

Breadcrumb Cookies

So easy to make although, while trying to copy the recipe, I was continually distracted by the dog and also lost track of the quantities. So although I can reproduce the recipe, you may need to adjust the quantities if they look a bit wrong. Particularly the butter. But once you mix all the ingredients together you can adjust that to get the consistency right.

100g walnuts

100g toasted breadcrumbs

100g flour

½ tsp salt

¾ tsp cinnamon

150g unsalted butter, cut into chunks

60g granulated sugar

60g light brown sugar

¾ tsp vanilla

Turn the bread into crumbs and toast them in the oven till they begin to look a bit brown. Blend the nuts. I think I added some pine nuts and pecans into the mix too. Plus I added some Maple Syrup. Mix it all together and knead it thoroughly.

The plan was to make biscuits, but in the end I used a shallow dish and made flapjacks instead. You want the mix to be a couple of centimetres deep.

Cook with some foil over the top to make sure everything was cooked, then finish off for a few minutes without the foil.

Allow to cool, and cut into squares.

Sorry to be so vague on the quantities, only that’s how I roll.


Tapas Time

Tapas Time

Summer Pudding

Summer Pudding