Pesto Frittata

Pesto Frittata

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

On a cold, wet (very) & blustery (extremely) Saturday wondering where the Spring has gone, I decide to bring it into the kitchen.

Some leftovers from Thursday.

Whole Wheat Spaghetti, garlic, green beans, asparagus, flaked almonds, basil & Parmesan.

Now what.

Frittata, that's what.

Oven 200C/400F/Gas 6

3 Eggs beaten & seasoned

Grated Parmesan

Parsley chopped

Oil for frying

Into a bowl go your beaten eggs plus salt & pepper

Whisk before gently stirring in your leftover pasta

Some oil goes into an ovenproof pan on a medium heat

Add the spaghetti mix & cook for about 5 minutes, some crispiness underneath is perfect

Take the pan into the oven for another 5 minutes

Turn the oven off but turn the grill on until the top firms up, a matter of a couple of minutes

Finish with the Parmesan and parsley

I thought I could do the whole shebang - however ..

2 slices consumed.

2 slices left for Sunday breakfast.


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