Epic Fail
The Buffet, Bangor Station - Photo © Rob Jones
“Epic - Recounting the deeds of a legendary or historical hero’s journey. For example: the Iliad and the Odyssey .”
“Fail - To be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.”
I can’t remember the last time that I went anywhere. (AMM the same I think) I mean, far from home. Christmas I suppose, when I was working in London. But that was a quick ‘in-and-out’ job or ‘Show and Go’ as we say in the trade. No tourism as such, apart from wandering the cold empty London streets in between night shifts looking at boarded up pubs and cafes.
So this will be an exciting week. Off to Cornwall looking for somewhere to live - in common with the rest of humanity it seems. Property prices and rentals have shot through the roof. Even dog kennels are being snapped up before people have had a chance to take a look of them. So, with a target in mind, it’s a quick mercy dash to Falmouth to take a look.
But not straight there.
Breaking my journey in Cardiff first. Then to Plymouth, the closest I can get to Falmouth where the hotel prices are affordable without taking out a mortgage - it is a Bank Holiday weekend, and the sun for once is shining. So, the trains are packed with families heading for sun.
I always make my rules before I leave. I must try to relax, read more, exercise everyday, and EAT SENSIBLY.
How hard can it be?
A great railway journey hasn’t started without a bacon roll in Bangor Station buffet. Still old school, no frills, easy clean plastic table cloths, and a selection of sauces. I scanned the Track & Trace as I waited for my order, only to be told that ‘you’re the first person to have done that it three weeks!’
Photo © Rob Jones
A cheese and pickle sandwich and a bag of crisps. Traditional British Rail fare. Plus a bottle of Dandelion and Burdock pop (not pictured).
Once in Cardiff, checked into my hotel. Dodging the non-mask wearing youthful throng who were pre-loading before a Friday night out in the bars and clubs of St. Mary’s Street. I shall not be joining them. I plan a quiet night in my room (waiting for the smoke alarms to go off) watching back-to-back episodes of Doc Martin. Get in training for Cornwall. Pick up a bit of the lingo.
Photo © Rob Jones
Stopped off at a Costa Coffee to sit outside, watching people go by and nursing a coffee - full fat, caffeinated. I don’t DO caffeine these days. So I felt ‘Thrilled’ for an hour or so afterwards. I tried to scan my Track and Trace but it said QR code not recognised. Off for a walk down to Cardiff Bay. Walked all the way to Penarth over the barrage which obligingly opened for some yachts while I was there. Ever so exciting. (I don’t get out much). Then back round to get some snacks to take back to my hotel.
Photo © Rob Jones
And …..
Photo © Rob Jones
What cannot be seen in the photo is the wine and crisps.
I did buy some grapes though. Only I never got round to eating them.
So all in all, not a good start to my epic journey to Cornwall and back. I did walk 15k though in the day - according to my Fitbit.
Maybe even Odysseus has days like this.