Risotto al Caffè
Photo © Rob Jones
So … I was making a risotto the other day, and the thought struck me, does it always have to be savoury?
I call as my witness, Rice Pudding.
I scuttled off to the computer to do some research and lo, it’s a thing. A very well known thing in fact. So well known that I am shocked that I have never heard of it.
Risotto al Caffè
Now, as far as I can see there is a lot of latitude regarding quantities of ingredients, and there are loads of variations, including adding nuts, chocolate and lemon, parmesan, truffle, even one with lemon and fresh perch. Best said about that the better. I have limits.
This recipe produced a really pleasing gloop which tastes like … if you can imagine it, hot chocolate rice crispies, with brandy, which immediately turns it into an adult pud.
In a pan, boil up a tablespoon and a half of instant coffee granules, in a mugfull of water, plus a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Off the heat. Add a mug of Arborio/risotto rice, and let it stand for half an hour to take on the coffee flavour.
Put the pan on a low heat, and gradually add a mug of full cream milk, as you might add stock to a regular risotto.
Once the rice is al dente, add half a mug of sugar, 30g of unsalted butter, 250ml of thick cream - I had some Devon clotted cream which was screaming to be added to a recipe, and 60ml of brandy.
Keep stirring on the low heat until it’s creamy and tumbly.
Serve … some recipes suggest along with a biscotti, and drizzled with single cream, but i was quite happy with it as it was. It feels luxurious, and tastes somehow almost chocolatey.