Masala Chai Milk Tea
Photo © Rob Jones
So, heading into Dry February for me, I’m looking for interesting drinks to take my mind off the demon drink.
I have seriously been getting into teas, thanks mainly to a wonderful online course during lockdown with The UK Tea Academy. Highly recommended. Given most of us drink gallons of it every day, it’s wonder we don’t know more about its origins and preparation.
Anyhow… I love the Chai flavour. I couldn’t get enough of it in Kathmandu when I was there a few years back. Luckily there was plenty of it about.
It’s ridiculously easy to make, and perfect for cold dreary days without alcohol.
In a pan … You want about about 300ml of water, with two heaped tea spoons of black tea of your choice. I have a job lot of Pu-erh loose leaf tea in the cupboard. Originally from Yunnan Province in China, this is tea which has been dried and rolled, but then allowed to ferment a litte to encourage microbes to do their job. It’s allegedly good for weight loss.
Anyhow, add about three teaspoons of sugar, and I grated in about a thumbsworth of ginger. Set it to boil.
Then go gather your spices.
A teaspoon each of Green Cardamoms and Ground Cinnamon.
Half a teaspoon each of Cloves, Fennel Seeds, Cracked Black Pepper, Sichuan Pepper, Nutmeg.
Two petals of Star Anise.
Grind everything together as much as you feel able to. Doesn’t matter if some things like the Cardamoms are still a little husky.
Chuck them all into the boiling tea mix and allow to simmer until you can wait no longer.
Pull from the heat and add milk to taste - Full Cream if possible.
Sieve into your cup. It’s very very comforting.