Cheesy Curdy Crumpet

Cheesy Curdy Crumpet

Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

Neccessity is the mother of invention they say.

Take three people in the same house, who all choose to give something up for Lent, and mealtimes become a nightmare.

One’s not eating bread, one no butter, the next no alcohol. Where do you start.

Cheesy Curdy Crumpet

If it isn’t a thing already then it certainly should be. It’s time has come.

It’s invention? One of those moments when you stare at a packet of reduced crumpets - six for 27p - and think… can’t put butter on, what will work instead.

There was no appetite for honey or jam, or marmite or fig conserve.

Then a moment of madness. Spread the crumpet with lemon curd, and sprinkle with cheddar.


Why has this not been a thing in my life until now?


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