Pancakes 'An Operation Rather Difficult To Unskilful Cooks'

Pancakes 'An Operation Rather Difficult To Unskilful Cooks'

Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

The tossing of, that is, according to Mrs Beeton.

Pancakes have been with us for an age & the essential recipe seems to have changed little.




In Tudor days milk might be substituted with ale or wine.

For the Elizabethans they might add cinnamon or ginger to the batter.

The Victorians were partial to some grated lemon rind going into the mix.

There's another comfort lunch at work coming up for the few of us who're in the office. Pancakes plus various accompaniments are being planned.

This should be enough for about 8 discs of joy

35g Butter

100g Plain Flour

2 Eggs beaten

350ml Milk

Pinch of Salt

1tbsp Sugar (Optional)

1tsp Ground Ginger (Optional)

You'll need a nonstick frying pan & a palette knife or fish slice for turning

Get the butter melted in a small pan & set aside

Into a bowl goes the flour, salt, sugar & ginger if you're using


Eggs & milk go in next

Beat gently to make yourself a batter

Let it rest for half an hour & why don't you as well

Brush the pan with some of the melted butter & let it sizzle

In goes a ladleful of your batter

Move the pan around so that it covers the pan & allow it to cook for about a minute

Use the palette knife or fish slice to turn it over unless you're confident that Mrs Beeton is wrong & then just toss it

Another minute


I like squeezed oranges, lemons & a sprinkle of sugar on mine.

Incidentally, the word 'Shrove' derives from 'to shrive' meaning to confess your sins & then receive absolution.

For Lent, I'm giving up going out to restaurants.

Oh, hang on a moment ..


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