Festive Jars

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

Over the past few weeks I have been filling Kilner jars like a fretful car owner during an alleged fuel shortage.

Today will mark the last making of preserved fruits for the coming season.


It's a simple & pleasing way to while away an afternoon.

So far I have resisted listening to Christmas tunes but, having received two festive CDs from friends this week, I think the time has come. Be it Tchaikovsky, Slade, Vaughan Williams or Mariah - I love a seasonal tune - especially when I'm cooking. So, as the pears gently bubble away in their appley, spicy goodness, I shall be humming, whistling & singing along, (Robert covers his ears) to the best jingle bell music.

Having mentioned Slade, may I share that one time two friends of mine were leaving a restaurant after a hearty meal a few days before Christmas. Buoyed by a generous wine selection the lads suddenly spotted Noddy Holder in the street ..

Lads: "Noddy .. NODDY .. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!"

Noddy: (Obviously having never had that said to him before): "MERRY CHRISTMAS BOYS!" ..

God bless him.


Festive Jars II

Festive Jars II

The Opposite of Christmas

The Opposite of Christmas