The Countdown Begins

The Countdown Begins

So … we have a Christmas Cupboard.

For as long as I can remember, we have always had a Christmas Cupboard. Because there was always a long lead-in time to the big day foodwise, you had to prepare early. It wasn’t just about making the cake, and the pudding, but getting all the little bits and pieces that are expected at Christmas together in on place.

Cake ingredients, Pudding, Chocolate Money, Dates, Nuts, Mixed fruit, Mince Meat.

Everything was kept on the top shelf, to keep little thieving hands away.

One of the unfortunate things about adulthood is that there is no longer anywhere effective to hide things. Which means … if the mood takes you … and there are not moral restrictions … Get in!

… and the cry went up ‘Let’s have a Christmas Pudding.’

I must stress this was as an essential antidote to miserable weather, the last hoorah of Autumn, the first heavy frosts …. and to celebrate recovery from a nasty chesty cold.

But … not with Brandy Sauce, no … let’s try something new. Quick online search…


What you need is:

300ml Double Cream
200g Caster Sugar
2tbsp of Rum
50g Unsalted Butter
1 Egg
1 Pinch of Salt
1tsp Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Ground Nutmeg


Whip the cream.

In a bowl, beat the egg and salt with the salt until thick. Gradually add the sugar. Keep beating till it’s thick and the sugar disolved.

Butter into a pan, and melt over a low heat. Leave to cool for a moment.

Fold in the rum and vanilla into the beaten egg, and then add the whipped cream. Grate some Nutmeg on top.

To serve …. sprinkle Christmas Pudding over a bowl of the sauce… not the other way round.


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Ringing The Changes II

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