Ringing The Changes II

Ringing The Changes II

Elbow grease required

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

It's a properly cold autumn day. The first day of Advent & the last Sunday of November.

It's very cold. The heating is on. There's a Bond film on the TV (Never Say Never Again, not one of my favourites).

It's time to make the 2021 Christmas Cake with the brandy-soaked dried fruits which are more plumped up than my favourite pillow.

Whenever I head to find the festive receptacle in the cupboard, I am, without fail, always astonished as to just how many cake tins I have.

The Christmas tin is a round beast, 23cm/9in deep.

Let's get the oven on

140C/120C Fan/Gas 1

This sight always makes me happy

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

My favourite tin is double-lined with buttered greaseproof paper

Here's what your sumptuous fruits are awaiting

250g Butter softened (well softened)

250g Light/Dark Muscovado Sugar

4 Large Free Range Eggs

1tbsp Golden Syrup

75g Ground Almonds

275g Plain Flour

1tsp Cinnamon

1tsp Mixed Spice

1tsp Ground Ginger

The sugar, almonds, butter, eggs & syrup go into a big bowl. Beat them well. If doing by hand, take a breather now & again

Add the spices & flour & mix until everything is thoroughly blended

The boozy fruit is next. Add gradually as it's easier to stir in that way

The beautiful festive beast then needs to be spooned into your prepared cake tin


This is going to need around 4 to 4 & a half hours in the oven

After 2 hours check the colour of your cake &, if a good golden brown, then cover with foil for the rest of the cooking time.

Once out of the oven just let the cake cool in the tin

You could always give the bowl and the utensils a little clean pre-wash.

Just saying.

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall


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