Christmas Reads II
Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall
There's something unique & always enjoyable about a Nigel Slater book.
It's so much more than just ideas of what to cook & which seasonal ingredients to use, but, why food can make us so happy & bring back wonderful memories of childhood meals & beyond.
I'm currently revisiting The Christmas Chronicles. Notes, stories & 100 essential recipes for midwinter.
There's one chapter titled: 'Eating Winter - The food of fairy tales' - Here he writes of snow, stars & shadows & being out in the cold.
Within the pages & already catching my eye for meals across Christmas & New Year are ..
Pot-Roast Partridge with Parsnips & Smoked Garlic
Leeks, Beans & Italian Sausage
Seeded Cheese Biscuits
Potato & Feta Pancakes
I find something new to enjoy reading in this book every year.