Squashes & Sausages
Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall
It's one of those curious October days when the morning starts out gloomy but, by lunchtime, the sun makes an appearance.
With two weeks to go before the clocks go back though, it will be gone by 18:04. That's according to my weather app.
This is a special time of year for eating & cooking food for me. I'm already making plans for festive pickling & baking.
Today, despite the warm (ish) temperatures, I know that rain & an evening chill are on the way.
My thoughts turn to sausages.
The Toulouse variety to be precise.
Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall
And in a stew.
With beer.
Adjust the quantities as you wish. This should provide 2 helpings.
4 Toulouse Sausages
1 Large Onion peeled & sliced thinly
2 Garlic Cloves ditto
20g Salted Butter
1tbsp Plain Flour
1tsp Soft Brown Sugar (Good to have in for Christmas baking)
200ml Vegetable or Beef Stock
100ml Beer (I used a Spiced Porter)
Oven at 160C/320F/Gas Mark 3
Sausages hit the pan first in just a little bit of oil & gently brown them on all sides - turning then can be a tricky manoeuvre at times - but bear with
As the beauties are colouring, add the butter, onions & garlic till softened
Next, the flour goes in & stir for 5 minutes
Add the stock, sugar & the beer before bringing to the boil
Cover with a lid or foil
Into the oven for 50 minutes
Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall
Autumnal squashes, mash & green veg for me with this.
The remaining beer was enjoyed by the cook.