Welsh Tapas - Selsig Morgannwg - Croquetas de Puerro
Photo © Rob Jones
When I was growing up, there was a book that was always hanging around called ‘Wild Wales’ written in the 1862 by a chap called George Borrow.
He’s an interesting chap who toured Wales and wrote about what he found on his trip. it was a sort of Gentleman’s Tour of Wales. He was following famous footsteps. Coleridge and Wordsworth both went on extensive tours of Wales at the end of the 18th century.
Mendelssohn hated Wales. In 1829 he wrote … “Ten thousand devils take all national music. Here I am in Wales, and, heaven help us. A harper sits in the hall of every reputable tavern incessantly playing so called folk melodies - that is to say, dreadful, vulgar, out-of-tune trash with a hurdy-gurdy going at the same time! It has given me toothache already.”
Turner loved the countryside. He famously painted the castle down the road.
But …. back to the cheese sausages.
Their popularity rose in the 1860’s with one Cardiff butcher claiming that he had to make a batch up every hour to meet demand. Not the word ‘Butcher.’ It seems the early Glamorgan Sausages were made with meat.
But not these.
The ingredients can be varied. I like using up left overs like stuffing and cheese sauce.
But try …
220g of Breadcrumbs
120g of Cheese
2 Eggs
Onions, leeks and Mushrooms sautéed together first
Grated Apple
Parsely, Salt and Pepper to taste.
Mix everything together into a mushy paste and form into small sausage shapes. Don’t make them too big as they’ll fall apart when you cook them.
Fry them so that they are golden brown on all side.
Serve with salad and some pickle or relish.