Hello Autumn My Old Friend

Hello Autumn My Old Friend

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

As September arrives, & the last Bank Holiday before Christmas has passed, I welcome the new season with open arms.

And apples.


My friend at the work café has saved some apples for me on a Friday afternoon:

CG: "There are only four of them but, if you would like them, they're yours for the taking."

Me: "Thank you!" 


It's almost September & one of this nation's finest glories are coming into their own.

The British composer, Gerald Finzi in Wiltshire in the 30's, saved around 300 varieties of apples which were heading towards extinction without his intervention & devotion.

There are the work apples in the fruit bowl along with a Granny Smith.

4 to 5 apples peeled & chopped (no core or pips)

Into a saucepan on a low to medium heat

1/2 tbsp water

30/40g caster sugar 

1tbsp honey (I used Welsh honey provided by Robert)

1/4 tsp mixed spice (or ground cinnamon or ginger could work I reckon)

Gently stir all your beauties together & then pop a lid on & leave for 4 minutes


Move the apples about a wee bit

Too sweet? Add a squirt of lemon juice

A few more minutes should do it, apples should be soft

Spoonfuls of the warm appley goodness can go on top of crumble or ice cream


Cool the mix, leave till the morning & eat with yoghurt for breakfast.

CG at the café got a batch I'd made & said he ate his on top of his morning porridge.

I'm hoping the work fruit harvest will continue.


Perfect Sunday Afternoon

Perfect Sunday Afternoon

Friends IV

Friends IV