Pie and Mash in London
Arments are delivering!

Arments are delivering!

One of the best comfort meals in good times & bad. 

Growing up, whenever there was a trip to London Town to bother the other side of the family, I knew that there would be some certainties.

There would be sterilised milk in your tea - this was not good.

My father would be out of the door early on the urgent mission of getting a paper. In fact, he couldn't face the prospect of a home-cooked greasy fry up & would head out alone to a local café for an alternative breakfast & some proper tea with proper milk.

Later in the day for lunch or dinner, the eating highlight would be off site.

P I E  &  M A S H

And the green parsley liquor

Arments was the very best place

A crispy topped steak & kidney pie but a soft underside

Mash (Arments has been making it for more than a century with the best spuds, just salt, no butter, no milk)

Liquor, ladeled generously over everything on the plate

Vinegar if you like, I don't, unnecessary addition

Jellied eels are also available on the menu

Not on your nelly.


A Much Missed Steakhouse

A Much Missed Steakhouse

