Photo © Rob Jones

Photo © Rob Jones

So … everyone was busy. So busy that we forgot to cook tea!

What to do?


I won’t patronise you with the details of how to cook Fish Fingers. But the Macaroni Cheese … that’s another matter.

I don’t do quantities. I cook on sight!

So .. boil some Macaroni, in some water, a teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Stop when al dente and drain well.

Fry up some diced diced leek and chopped onion in oil.

Add a knob of butter and after it’s melted sprinkle on some plain flour to make a roux.

Add 1/2 pint of milk, and when it becomes a paste, a little more milk and 1/2 pint of cream. And a spoonful of horseradish sauce.

Add three cheeses, grated. Certainly Parmesan, but any two others, whatever is in the fridge. This evening I had feta and a crumbly cheddar with cranberries. Anything really. You can’t have enough cheese in my book.

Make a nice rich creamy sauce. Add the macaroni, and mix well together for a couple of minutes.

Pour into an oven dish and bake until it begins to look brown on top. Add a sprinkling of Parmesan and make a little more.

That’s it. Whether it’s done or not depends on looking at it.

Eat it.

We had some Sweet Cabbage to use up - rough cut, boiled and tossed in butter, pepper and a pinch of salt.


Pie and Mash in London

Pie and Mash in London

Cooking for Nanna

Cooking for Nanna