Christmas Onions I
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

I love Christmas.

I  L O V E  C H R I S T M A S.

It's not only the build up but, of course, the menu planning.

Late October/early November is when there's a start on the fiery beasts.

Pickled onions.

The first job is to badger the usual recipients for the return of my Kilner Jars. No jars, no onions. That's the rule, firm but fair.

I can while away the whole of a chilly Saturday afternoon doing just one batch. The radio is on &, by 3pm, the lights, too, with those shorter autumn days.

The small British onions & shallots are fantastic at this time of year. You can add/change/experiment with whatever you fancy here. The friends & family I make these for like them spicy.

For a one litre jar (make sure you sterilise it & the lid):

600g of brown pickling onions or shallots

1 to 2 tbsps oil

20g Bird Eye Chillies whole (or fewer, you decide how many depending on the taste of your beneficiaries)

100g Muscovado Brown Sugar

200ml Apple or Cider or Sherry Vinegar

50ml Balsamic Vinegar

3 tsps Rose Harissa Paste

1 to 2 tsps Salt (smoked is an interesting addition but the usual sort is just as good)

A few fresh Bay Leaves

Put the radio on

Here we go

Top & tail your onions (this will take longer than you think but then that's the therapeutic joy of a repetitive job in the kitchen)

In a big pan, or two medium ones, get some water heating up to a simmer

Cook the trimmed onions for 5 to 7 minutes

Drain but leave some of the cooking liquor (100/150ml should do it)

Cool your onions (matron) then peel off the skins

Flirt with the naughty notion of putting some Christmas tunes on

Dismiss this foolish idea

Vinegars + sugar + that leftover liquor into a saucepan on a light heat & stir before bringing to a gentle boil

Big frying pan

Heat the oil, add the onions + Harissa + chillies + salt

Keep everything moving in the pan

Introduce that sweet yet sour stock to the onions

Add the bay leaves

A couple of minutes is all the mixture will need on the hob

Jar - meet & greet the onions 

Jar - meet the juice (ladle & a funnel essential for this operation)

Jar - meet the lid

They'll keep for a year.

Boxing Day - cheese, pork pie, baked ham, turkey?



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