A New Affair

A New Affair

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Marmite Loaf and myself are taking a break. It's not ML, it's me.

On a sunny last day of May with domestic duties to be done, it needed to be a quick loaf and there was a change in the breeze .. 

I've been on a date with Cheddar & Chive Bread.

The recipe required Cheddar - none in but there was Vintage Gouda (get me)

The recipe required fresh chives - none in but there was a jar of dried (and well in date)

The recipe required buttermilk - none in but there was yoghurt which the gods of the internet told me could be a substitute (sheep yoghurt. Again, get me)

Line a loaf tin with greaseproof

300g plain flour

2 tsps baking powder

1 tsp salt

80g grated cheese

3 tsps dried chives (or use fresh)

40g melted butter

230ml buttermilk or yoghurt watered down a little

1 egg

Dry things plus cheese mixed in a bowl

Wet things mixed in a jug

Combine the two and stir swiftly with a fork

Pop it into your lined loaf tin

200/400/Gas mark 6 for 40-45 minutes

A crunchy crust. A couple of slices with good salty butter.


Family I

Family I

The Joy of Eggs

The Joy of Eggs