Wireless is Lovely Midduck
Radio vs telly. Always the wireless for me.
One of my never to be missed programmes is 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' which my father always made an appointment to listen to. It must be genetic.
A favourite introduction by Humph.
HL: "Welcome to the Theatre Royal in Nottingham. In days gone by, this city used to be called Snottingham after the Lord of Snott. The name changed however when the Normans landed. They had a problem pronouncing the 'S' & so dropped it, hence Nottingham. We can only be grateful that the Normans never got as far as Scunthorpe."
A lot of my childhood was spent in this great city & I return whenever I can.
This is one of the many outstanding churches in the Lace Market & the view from my hotel window.
St. Mary’s Nottingham
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
A recent visit to Nottingham was for a family lunch at a recently opened restaurant in the district, the Paris Bar and Restaurant.
I was foolish. There was no resisting the Onion Soup. It was good but filling. Eyes bigger than my tum, again.
I'm drawn by a fillet steak whenever I see it on a menu. Anything larger for me is a destroyer. I won't get through a sirloin or a ribeye.
No sauce. Ever.
There were French Fries (thin, salty & moreish), & to share, a couple of Heritage Tomato, Olive & Basil Salads between the three of us.
Absolutely no space for dessert, but there was a glass of a very decent Beaujolais.
C'était très bon.
Or, as we say in Nottingham, Lovely midduck.