Gnocchi with Chicken, Tomatoes & Mozzarella

Gnocchi with Chicken, Tomatoes & Mozzarella

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There's been a long journey home from Whitstable after a family gathering to celebrate a birthday with a zero in it.

Post-party I set off early on Sunday morning because I knew what lay ahead.

Train | Bus | Train | Tube | Bus

In total, a journey of around three & a half hours when usually it would be about two hours.

I've had my organising head on though & waiting for me at home is a chicken to cook plus Jersey Royals.

I keep this thought to the front of my mind as we navigate roadworks in a double decker bus & pick up someone with an irritating loud cough at Gillingham Station. Headphones go in & it's a chance to catch up with The Archers omnibus.

There's a routine once home when I've been away. It doesn't waiver whether or not I've been away for a weekend or a few weeks. 

Washing machine goes on with some holiday clothes within

The rest of the bag is decanted

Fridge is checked for contents

Backtiming begins for eating

A sit down before cooking ..

Roast Chicken .. 

Monday comes around so soon & then post-work it's time to decide what the juicy & delicious leftover chicken will become next.

Pasta time.

Cupboard check.

Broccoli Florets

250g Fresh Gnocchi

Olive Oil plus that jelly from your Roast Chicken 

Leftover Breast & Thigh Meat 

1 Small Onion sliced 

1 Small Red Chilli sliced

2 Garlic Cloves crushed 

200g Chopped Tomatoes (fresh or tinned) 

50g Fresh Mozzarella, roughly chopped

Steam the broccoli over a pan of boiling water for 4-5 minutes until just tender & remove to drain on kitchen paper

Add the gnocchi to the hot water & cook according to packet instructions, usually 8-10 minutes

Drain & set aside

Put a large ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat & add the oil plus chicken jelly before adding the onion, chilli & garlic

Cook for 7-8 minutes until softened

In goes your torn up chicken breast & thigh meat

Tomatoes go in next with some water if the mix looks like it needs thinning a little & simmer for 5 minutes

Stir in the broccoli and gnocchi, season and heat through

Preheat the grill before adding the mozzarella to the frying pan & popping it under the grill for 2-3 minutes, until the cheese begins to melt

Satisfying, sweet, juicy.

I ate it with a spoon.



The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 49

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 49

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