Fishy Fishy
Photo © Rob Jones
My local supermarket is slightly obsessed with Fish Heads. They seem to be offering unlimited quantities at knock down prices.
As yet I’ve not not plucked up enough courage to buy any, let alone start to think what to do with them.
I carried out an unscientific poll of friends to find out if anyone at all cooks with fish heads. No one. But someone’s buying them. This is a mystery.
So .. what can you do with fish heads? I’ll tell you.
Whole Head - The main use is in stocks and sauces it seems. This is about as far as I am likely to get with fish-head cookery. You boil the heads, and then strain to retain the liquid for use in soups and other dishes.
Fish Head purists will argue that this ignores the most flavoursome aspects of the fish head, namely:
In some cultures the whole head of a fish is eaten, including the eyes, but apart from the gills.
Cheeks - described as sweet and tender. You need to poke about a bit to find a little scallop of tasty meat which can be breaded and pan fried, poached or steamed.
Collar - said to be one of the best parts of the fish head.
Tongue - can you really be bothered?
Eyes - This is getting a bit icky, but this is done. If you don’t like the ‘look’ of them, they can be blended and used instead of eggs to make a batter.
Brain - Stop!
I reckon I’m going to hang around the fish counter in the supermarket and challenge anyone even remotely picking up a packet of fish heads to tell me why (oh why) they are buying them.
People - Stop this madness.