The Finest New Year's Day Sandwich

The Finest New Year's Day Sandwich

Photo © R Murdoch

To Scotland to ring in 2024.

A reunion with old friends & a gorgeous Labrador called Monty.

A village in Fife is the hideaway for Hogmanay.

To begin the first day of January there was a walk along both Elie & Earlsferry beaches before a brief refreshment was taken here:

A non-alcoholic beer for the driver, a golden Deuchars IPA for another & half a Thatchers Cider for me.

Back at our home it was time to enjoy more of the local beef, sirloin, cooked on New Year's Eve & bought from this wonderful haven:

Orders are taken by the man in charge of assembling, nay, creating ..

B E E F  S A N D W I C H E S

Unbridled joy between slices of soft bread from Barnett's Bakery in Anstruther awaits.

Among the choices of accompaniments are .. (deep breath)



Sauteed Sliced Red Onions (from last night's roast)

Raw Sliced Red Onions

Horseradish Sauce

Freshly Grated Horseradish

Mustards (English, Dijon, Wholegrain)



Gravy (from the night before)

Yorkshire Pudding (ditto)

Salt & Pepper

I went for everything above apart from the cooked onions, the Parmesan & the gravy. On the side, & joining the beef sarnie are salty, hot chips, pickled beetroot & onion salad, mini roast potatoes & cauliflower cheese left from NY's Eve.

Is there a furrowing brow over the Yorkie in a sandwich - are you perplexed as to what was I thinking?

You know what, sliced as you would an avocado, a cold, crispy Yorkshire Pudding along with roast beef & your choice of condiments really works when placed in between two slices of bread.

Who knew. Well, now I do.


Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night

Party Time

Party Time