Bramley & Walnut Chutney
Photo AM Minhall
What lovely tales of foraging for autumn's bounty from Robert.
I got lucky & a work colleague provided me with some ripe Bramleys from his garden: "They seem early this year but they're perfectly ripe, one twist from the tree and they came away immediately plus the pips are the right colour."
Gifted with these beauties the next decision was what to do with them.
Chutney time.
Bramley & Walnut.
This should deliver you about 1 litre - I filled one 1/2 litre jar plus two 380ml ones & enough left over for a little glass pot as well.
750g Bramleys (5-6 Apples)
1 Onion peeled & chopped
250g Muscovado Sugar (or any soft brown sugar)
150g Raisins
1tsp Mustard Seeds
1tsp Ground Ginger
1/4tsp Chilli Flakes
1/4tsp Salt
350ml Cider Vinegar
85g Walnuts chopped or roughly broken
Sterilise your jars.
Peel, core and dice the apples (strangely satisfying with the right implement)
Combine all the ingredients in a big saucepan (or two as I did, must ask Santa for a preserving pan) & cook over a medium heat
Bring the mixture to boiling point before simmering & covering with a lid on a low heat for 10-15 minutes
Take the lid off & continue to cook about 20 minutes, stirring frequently
Meanwhile, tip the walnuts into a small frying pan & cook over a low heat until they are lightly toasted
When the chutney is ready, stir in the walnuts and cook briefly, then pot the mixture into your sterilised jars.
Will keep for at least a year. Once opened, keep in the fridge & use within 4-6 weeks
With cheese - certainly
With roast pork - definitely
With a hot sausage sandwich - most assuredly