Rocksalt in Folkestone

Rocksalt in Folkestone

June is the birthday month for me.

I'm trying to embrace the ageing process, however, I appear to be shunning it & even worse, tutting at it.

The joy though is seeing friends & family plus being spoiled silly.

On the day itself my morning started with a live rendition of 'Happy Birthday' swiftly followed by a toasted & buttered crumpet topped with smoked salmon & a squirt of lemon.

An hour or so later it was time for lunch on what turned out to be a scorcher of an afternoon. Every British person (no exaggeration here) was heading for the seaside, it's what we do, right?

Folkestone is a lovely place to explore with much history & a rich artistic seam:

The destination for 4 of us was here:

A drink on their terrace overlooking the harbour before taking the stairs to the restaurant below.

The view is fantastic. There are tables outside but our choice was to be indoors with the air con & without slapping on the sun cream.

The food here is magnificent. So fresh & locally caught. Simple, brilliantly executed dishes.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Here's what arrived on our table ..

Whipped Cod’s Roe with Seaweed Crackers

Docker Sourdough With Salted Butter

Photo © JS

Garlic & Chilli Shell-on Prawns, Kimchi Mayonnaise

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Folkestone Crab, Brown Crab Ketchup, Granny Smith, Sherry Caramel

Photo © JS

Hastings Smoked Haddock Fishcake Baby Gem, Curried Mayonnaise

Photo © JS

Baked Rye Bay Cod Caramelised Cauliflower Puree, Roasted Cauliflower, Monks Beard

Pudding time ..

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Strawberry Ice Cream

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Dark Chocolate Delice, Raspberry Sorbet

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Baked Cheesecake, Passion Fruit, Mango Sorbet 

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Lemon Posset

I took the train back to London from Folkestone Central just before 4pm. By 4:01 I was already missing the sea, the fresh air & the breeze but was so thankful for the special day I had been treated to.


Costa Packet

Costa Packet

Pasty Duchy from the Left Hand Side

Pasty Duchy from the Left Hand Side