Jam Today

Jam Today

Photo © Rob Jones

In these cash-strapped times, there’s a trend to fall back on ‘old favourites.’

In my case - Toast and Jam.

Once upon a time, it was simple. White sliced toast, spread with butter, and slathered with a mass produced strawberry jam.

Then it got complicated … which bread, which spread, which jam? The combinations were endless. Were any less pleasurable that any other? I think not.

The breakfast/brunch explosion of the 80’s and 90’s, and the appearance of things like Eggs Benedict, Pancakes with Syrup, and Smashed Avocado … with endless drip coffee refills pushed ‘Toast and Jam’ to the back of the queue.

Sadly so.

But it seems, the pandemic … where we all found ourselves stuck at home with no entertainment other than making Banana Bread … seems to have kicked off a revival in ‘Toast+’ The market size of jam in the UK is growing at something near 5% a year. It’s expected to grow annually by 4% A YEAR! About £350 million is spent on jam in the UK every year.

Why not. It’s a simple, pleasing hug of a dish.

But … it’s reawakened a slew of etiquette issues.

  • Which bread to use. Moving beyond simply brown or white sliced.

  • Who controls the toaster settings? Waiting for your single slice of toast to … toast with a queue of people behind you, aka, ‘The Stand of Shame.’

  • Who cleans the toaster after use.

  • Knife skills - separate ones for butter and jam to avoid crumbs or butter ending up in the jam pot. Does anyone actually have a dedicated butter knife any more?

  • What to do if you find mould in the top of the jam pot.

  • Eating toast and jam that’s fallen on the floor.

  • Providing individual butters and jams.

  • Jam flavours beyond the pale.

  • Jams ‘lifted’ from hotel breakfasts (own up).

  • Cutting your toast horizontally or diagonally (discuss.) I think this may be a class thing.

  • Correct ratios of jam to spread to bread.

  • When is it acceptable to eat jam on toast? Is there a cut off time? (no).

  • Drinking anything else but tea as an accompaniment.

As a Singleton … none of the above should matter. Though part of me thinks there is always someone watching … from somewhere.

Do it properly … You know it’s the right thing to do.


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