Know Your Onions
Photo © Rob Jones
There are moments ….
… when you stop dead in your tracks … and scent the air, like a dog suddenly sensing there is fox muck nearby to roll in.
It happened last night. Aware of the lighter evenings, I checked if I still had time for a walk before sunset, and I did. I set off down to the pier. Beautiful evening, couples were taking photos next to the cherry blossoms. The birds were full throatedly singing their little spring loaded hearts out. The tide was way out in the distance, and the world was bathed in a lovely yellowness.
Just approaching the pier, the road drops down steeply, and below to one side is an Italian restaurant which fairly recently relocated from the High Street.
Suddenly I was overwhelmed by the smell of Garlic Bread …. I stopped. A perfect moment.
The same happened - or did I imagine this - on reflection I think it might have been one of those conversations I have with AMM - in Nottingham recently. We were walking through the streets of this fine city, indulging in ‘food talk’ and our thoughts drifted towards FRIED ONIONS. The ones that were once so common, being sold from greasy barrows outside cinemas and pubs, along with big sausages, served in a white dog roll, and streaked with ketchup or mustard.
It’s worth cooking them up, just for the reverie that it triggers.
And if we need to get serious - it is packed with antioxidants, lowers blood sugar levels, improves gut health, is an anti-iflammatory, is good for the brain, oozes Vitamin C, is great for bones, and is an antibacterial. What’s not to love?
Any downside?
They make you cry.