Tomato Ketchup
Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
It's always a joy when there's an invitation to Sunday lunch.
A chance to chat, to catch up, to laugh & someone else is cooking. This is a treat for me.
I'll be headed to Essex & apart from taking a bottle of a red wine called 'The Waxed Bat' there'll also be some homemade Tommy K and Lemon Curd in the bag.
The sweet treat is here:
I've never made the tomato ketchup before & went in search of possible recipes. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall & 'Pam the Jam' are great sources. I didn't have time or, to be honest, the patience to slow roast tomatoes for the base. A few tweaks along the way as well.
Instead .. this is the route I took ..
1 litre Passata
100ml Cider Vinegar
50ml Lemon Juice
1 Heaped tsp Smoked Salt
1 Heaped tsp Mustard Powder
1 Heaped tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 tsp Ground Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Ground Cloves
100g Demerara Sugar
Heat a heavy-based pan before adding the passata, vinegar, lemon juice & spices
Let everything come to a simmer before adding the sugar & stirring until it's dissolved
Continue to simmer gently for 25 minutes & stir occasionally
Time to get the funnel out & to pour into sterilised bottles or jars
Seal with greaseproof paper or vinegar-proof lids & let everything cool
The ketchup will last 4 months, once opened keep it in the fridge
Upon arrival for lunch, (gorgeous lamb chops, roast potatoes & green beans), my cousin sampled the newly-made sauce.
"I like the sharpness of the vinegar in there .. oh, & there's some warmth from the ginger .."
I saved a little jar of it for me, too.
Maybe to trial on chips later in the week.