Spring Vegetable Frittata

Spring Vegetable Frittata

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Spring has been taking its time to make its presence felt. In my manor, anyway.

My heart swelled though when I spotted the fat new season English asparagus a couple of days ago.

I was careful not to be too greedy with how many bunches I put in the basket.

Are you aware that this 'sparrow grass' as it is sometimes called can also be male or female?

No, me neither.


One evening this week, after work, my mind turned to using some asparagus together with some early, thin & new carrots in a frittata.

This is how it lined up. So quick, too. Rewarding & nourishing.

For two or one with leftovers

3 Asparagus Spears cut into short lengths

4 Spring Carrots thinly sliced

1 Red Chilli ditto

1 Garlic Clove ditto

Butter thick slice

Rapeseed Oil 2 tbsp

3 Eggs lightly beaten

Cheddar Cheese handful grated

Parsley handful chopped

Melt the butter in a nonstick frying pan before adding the oil

Add the carrots & the asparagus & cook over a moderate heat for around 7-10 minutes before the chilli & garlic go in

To the beaten eggs add some seasoning, the cheese and most of the parsley

Pour the mixture into the pan covering everything

On a gentler heat cook the eggs until they're slightly set around the edges & base

Get the grill on

Some last bits of grated cheese on top of the eggs & vegetables before the pan goes under the grill for just a few minutes until the egg mixture is slightly set, still a bit wobbly

Give it a minute or so before slicing

I really enjoyed this warm seasonal treat on an April evening.

Happy too that there were leftovers for breakfast.




The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 34

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 34