Chewing the Cud
Photo © Rob Jones
Definition: “To think slowly and carefully about something. Thinking and contemplating.”
There is much to be said for ‘Chewing the Cud.’
I suppose it was inevitable that, having placed myself into the hands of a Nottingham expert, we should drift towards some of her favourite places in the city. And one which quickly became one of mine.
We took the tram - because we like riding on a tram. We headed south to the River Trent and walked along it’s southern flank to Trent Bridge, as you do. And found ourselves right by the cricket ground.
Feeling ‘thirsty’ we stopped off at the Larwood and Voce pub which is joined at the hip with the cricket ground and which, on match days I would imagine heaves with a heady mass of spectators wetting their whistle. On this occasion it was utterly deserted. And that was fine.
We were, I think, the only customers … no food to be had. No bar music. No discernible coin-op games machines. Just a very peaceful place to …. a place to Chew the Cud.
To talk over old times, new times, to catch up with all the gossip, to muse on current events, and to make plans which may or may not see the light of day.
But also - to sit quietly, glass in hand, without the need to talk. Without the obligatory smartphone in hand. Without ….. anything really.
Just an occasional sigh - unspoken thoughts, or gentle satisfaction.
I don’t do it often. I really enjoyed it. Should do it more.
Good company - someone you don’t need to impress - someone who is just happy to know that I enjoyed her choice of drinking establishment and a glass of fine local beer.