Chicken Curry

Chicken Curry

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

I love a curry.


Last week, together with some very dear friends, we met post-work to eat here:

One of the best places to sample proper North Indian cuisine in London.

Some opted for this bit of theatre - menu description: 'Chicken tikka special .. Chicken Tikka, served flaming at your table with a shot of brandy, we are notoriously known for this historic flambé dish.' ..

You can't beat a bit of drama at the table & it did not disappoint taste wise.

For me, well, I was tucking into this: Pahalwan amar's mint chicken - again, from the menu: 'Yes, you too can have a body like Amar, our family Pahalwan (wrestler), just eat plenty of this delicious mint dish, avoid strong drink, and stand on your head for at least three minutes a day.' ..

You understand why this place is much cherished by wrestlers & the rest of us.

Later in the week & at home there was some leftover roasted chicken to use.

It's curry time once more .. as The Carpenters sang in times past I believe.

It's quick, too, your chuck is already cooked.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

2 Onions chopped

2 Chillies sliced

2 Garlic Cloves thinly sliced

Fresh Ginger thumb size peeled and sliced

Leftover Roast Chicken sliced

2 handfuls of Cherry Tomatoes halved

1tsp Chilli Flakes

1tsp Cumin Seeds

1/2 tsp Turmeric

Small Pot Natural Yoghurt

3 tbsps Crème Fraîche 

Parsley or Coriander chopped for garnish

Lemon ditto

Get a frying pan onto a medium heat & put some oil in

Add the onions, chillies, garlic & ginger to sweat down gently for about 15 minutes

The halved tomatoes go in, seeds & all & stir

There was some wonderful chickeny jelly left in the roasting pan which I then introduced to the pan before putting the leftover meat in

If you feel it's a little dry, just top up with a little water

Time now for the chilli flakes, cumin and turmeric

Let everything simmer away for 20 or 30 minutes before the mixing in the yoghurt & the crème fraîche

Herbage of choice, some lemon slices & juice to finish

Rice to serve 

Only a spoon & your appetite required.


Garlic Soup

Garlic Soup

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 32

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 32