Christmas Signs

Christmas Signs

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

I think it's clear through the blog & the M&J podcast that I love this time of year.

At the moment though I'm exhausted. 

Two colds in two months.

The working days are long, but fun. Christmas Eve today & Christmas Day to come & then there'll be more time to rest & enjoy the season.

In the meantime, an unexpected invitation has come my way & Christmas Day will be spent with cousins about an hour away. This has meant that my Kelly Bronze Turkey Breast, ordered way back in September & delivered a couple of days ago, has been cooked on the 23rd. The glorious beast shall be enjoyed & savoured for a few days in between.

At this moment in time Father Christmas is about to land in Norway so I had better get to bed .. 

This, as always, is a favourite piece of music to share on this most special of evenings.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.


Let nothing you desire .....

Let nothing you desire .....

The Minhall and Jones Christmas Podcast - Episode 44

The Minhall and Jones Christmas Podcast - Episode 44