A Good Egg

A Good Egg

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

There are some lovely eggs left after making the New Year mayonnaise.

British Araucana Blue Eggs. Free range.

There are a few days remaining of my festive break before returning to work. One of the many joys of being at home with no commute is that I can make myself some breakfast. Today, it's going to be a warm, soft boiled egg in a roll. A brown bap, buttered to the max, awaits.

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

For One

Kettle boiled, hob on.

A smallish saucepan works best as the water goes in and onto the heat. 

As it comes to the boil, gently lower two eggs in and then reduce the heat to a simmer

Leave them for between 8 & 8 and a 1/2 minutes

Off the hob & straight into some cold water to stop them cooking any further

Peel the shells, (always a satisfying process, I find), and pop them onto some kitchen paper to drain any excess water

Time to butter the roll, & for me, to sprinkle a little bit of garlic salt onto the eggs

Slice them straight on top of the bread


They have to be good, really good eggs for a morning treat like this.

That yolky, yielding egg atop the soft & garlicky, salty roll was the perfect start to the day.


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