Epic Fail
Photo © Rob Jones
Epic fail? Not really ….
Maybe it’s an epic success.
I am more or less decaffeinated these days - tea and coffee at least. Chocolate and Green Tea are another matter. Further discussion needed here.
But … enter the guilty pleasure.
Mid morning - a habit from childhood - after a few hours work, a rewarding moment, with a fine cup of coffee and a few moments to reflect and plan.
My coffee tastes are extreme - not in a wild mad way. What I mean is that on one hand I love a cup of coffee which is prepared by grinding the beans - we had an old coffee grinder at home - which as kids we fought over to use. Part of the pleasure was the effort involved in the preparation.
Then, a variety of means to take the next step. There was always a brown earthenware coffee pot sitting on the AGA stove. No stovetop percolator or cafetière. Patience for it to brew, and then served with cream.
On the other hand, I dearly loved instant coffee. Added to hot milk made in the milk-pan. If I am in a ‘cheap-date’ mood. Left over from my Dad’s days in India I think. Like the curry ingredients on the shelf tht seldom got used.
The other option growing up was ‘Camp Coffee.’ But veil best drawn here. Save that for another post.
I had resolved to be even more aggressive in shunning caffeine this year. That resolution lasted a mere 36 hours.
So be it.