May Winter Warmer
Photo © Rob Jones
You know when you’ve made a tasty soup when the dog joins you hopefully for lunch.
But this was a particulary tasty soup - perfect for yet another chilly May day on the mountain - a concoction of items that needed using up, and leftovers. One day I will get ahead of the game and actually use the groceries before it becomes a mercy dash. Maybe. We’ll see.
Celery stalks, diced, two cloves of garlic, and leftover jacket potato (skin on) likewise diced and fried off in the fat from last night’s steaks. Blitz with a hand liquidiser.
In went some leftover peas and sweated onions, lots of black pepper, a pint of stock and a cup of cream. Then a generous handful of Stilton.
Served with crusty bread and butter.
I have never been a great fan of celery though. I have come to love it though. My brother used to eat it raw, dipping the end in salt. Which rather defeats the object of it being a low sodium superfood, low fat, anti-inflammatory which can combat high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Useless fact of the day - Celery is a member of the Carrot Family. Who knew?
I did. Just saying.