Hamming it Up
Pea and Ham Soup on a Cold and Windy May Day - Photo © Rob Jones

Pea and Ham Soup on a Cold and Windy May Day - Photo © Rob Jones

At the Cash’n’Carry - an impulse buy - a massive Ham joint - more than three kilos - for only 5 quid. I cannot walk past a bargain.

Likewise I always like to use every scrap up to make as many dishes as possible.

Blame my mother. She came from a poor farming background and nothing was ever wasted (although as a child I sometimes stuffed unchewable gristle between the floorboards.)


Meal One - Boiled ham, then sliced and roasted and served with silky smooth mash, peas and beans, with parsley sauce. Crackling served as a side dish.

Meal Two - Chunks of ham, soaked split peas, finely chopped onions and potatoes, heavily seasoned and cooked in the slow cooker all day to make Pea and Ham soup. Plus crusty buttered bread. In the past I’ve used stock but actually it’s better with plain water otherwise it’s too salty. Also, I like it chunky but you can blend it before serving, only it goes a little bitty.

Meal Three - Dice any left over ham, to toss into a Carbonara at the last mo.

So, three hearty meals, on each occasion serving 5 people, plus random passers-by… all for £5.


A Tale of Two Breakfasts

A Tale of Two Breakfasts

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 9

The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 9