The Pie Chart
Photo © Rob Jones
Behold…. the Rob Jones Patent Pastry-Batter-Cake-Bun-Bread Demystifier Chart - a.k.a The Pie Chart.
Along with many things like balls, boomerangs, voles, donkeys, the sound of pouring water into a bucket - I have always feared pastry.
I think it’s because there seemed to be so many different kinds. There was a mystique that I wasn’t able to break through. An art for the initiated, with Mary Berry as the High Priestess. Humiliation and soggy bottoms beckoned for the novice.
However - I have a liking for both logic and charts. And I realised there was a sense to the batter-pastry-cake etc .. world, and set about simplifying it in my mind. And here is the result.
Now, obviously, it can’t be used as it is. There’s a method to each of them - kneading the bread for example or laminating the croissant pastry to get the desired effect. And there’s a cooking method, such as for Choux.
But for my tidy mind, it explains so much of what makes what happen to get the effect you seek.
Anne-Marie will classify this as - like staring into holes on building sites, and appreciating machines and looking at maps. Or maybe as ‘A Rob Thing.’ It’s just the way my brain is wired.
AMM: You missed out space travel.