Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall
An early start to a Friday to get some work done. What to look forward to eating for the next day?
A gratifying something. An indulgent something.
Just for me.
Chateaubriand. I did say it was a treat.
Just a small to medium-sized cut.
Pan to oven.
Oven on 250ºC/Fan 230ºC/Gas 9
Meat should come to room temperature for half an hour so that it can 'bloom' (my butcher's term)
Heat an oven-proof pan on the hob
Some oil & seasoning goes onto the beef
Put it into the pan & sear on all sides for 3/4 minutes - it will make a lot of noise & spit
Add some butter (more spitting) & then put it into the oven
Rare: 6/8 minutes
Medium Rare: (Me) 10/12 minutes
Medium: 14/16 minutes
Well Done: (Robert) 18/20 minutes
Cover with foil & rest for 15 minutes
Baby potatoes & green beans go nicely with this.
Keep it simple.