Ringing The Changes

Ringing The Changes

It’s beginning to smell a lot like ..

Photo ©Anne-Marie Minhall

It's been an industrious few weeks in the kitchen.

Today it was time to get the Christmas Cake underway.

Three days of soaking in Brandy for the dried fruit & orange zest.

A few tweaks in 2021 as to the contents I thought. The staples are there but with some new friends.

500g Sultanas

225g Raisins

250g Chopped Dates (New addition)

250g Chopped Apricots (Ditto)

150g Cranberries

2 Oranges Zested

150ml Brandy

Into a bowl or a piece of Tupperware, place all of the fruit and the zest of the oranges & stir well

Add the brandy as the next companion & mix everything together, the aroma will make you smile

Cover with clingfilm or the Tupperware lid & leave for two or three days, stirring daily to keep everything moist with the brandy

Part two of the Christmas Cake adventure to come.


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The Minhall and Jones Podcast - Episode 14

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