Celeriac, Smoked Bacon & Sage Soup

Celeriac, Smoked Bacon & Sage Soup

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Photo © Anne-Marie Minhall

Over the festive season I ordered a veg box from the local grocer.

It was a joy to behold. It made life easier, too, in between work.

January the 9th & there's one item left to use.

The knobbly, gnarled, scary-looking beast.


I seek advice on how to use it.

'Bin it ..' was one suggestion.

'Pop chunks of it into your roast spuds tray ..' was another.

Robert said: "Soup.."

Yes, this sat well with me.

Today then, with the temperature outside barely nudging 1 degree, it's time for a special Saturday warming treat with homemade chicken stock.

A trip to buy a chicken for tomorrow also brought the giblets.

They go into a big saucepan

Cover with 2 pints of cold water

3 Bay Leaves

15 Peppercorns

1 Carrot

1 Onion peeled & quartered

Thyme fresh or dried - sprinkling of either

Bring everything to the boil & skim off any surface scum

Reduce the heat, cover the pot & simmer for 45 minutes

The aroma is heavenly

The next step is to strain & discard the giblets & vegetables - their work here is done

Leave to cool & store in the fridge till you're ready to use


Get ready to add the chickeny goodness to a soup which is my plan.

1 Onion peeled & roughly chopped

2/3 Slices of Smoked Bacon diced

Celeriac peeled & grated



300ml Homemade Chicken Stock

2tsps Grain Mustard

2/3 Leaves of Sage torn

4/5 Sprigs Parsley chopped

Get to grips with the Dr Who root before placing into a bowl of cold water with lemon juice or vinegar (stops it turning brown & even uglier)

The butter & oil should go into a heated frying pan

Onion next & gently cook for 15 to 20 minutes

Smoked Bacon joins the pan till fat has melted

Add your celeriac

The stock is next

Have a taste for seasoning

Add the sage

Bring your pan to the boil

Lower the hob & let the soup simmer for 30 minutes

Mustard and parsley stirred in to finish for the last 5 minutes

A warm, buttered & crusty roll is the partner.

Jack Frost is no match for soup.


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